The Terms Sustainable Fashion Influencers Use to Mobilize Millennials 

Intengine's Writer Community

April 29, 2021

As society as a whole begins to increasingly value all things sustainable, we are now seeing this trend in the fashion world. With the rising power to impact the masses via large social media followings, influencers focused on sustainable fashion are utilizing particular language and to spread their message.  


Our Fiber-Filled Future Future

Intengine | the engine for good

April 23, 2021

The negative impacts of single-use and microplastics are no longer a secret, and marine conservation communities are coming together around the world to combat and control the damage. Fingers point at water bottles, straws, and other commonly used items as main offenders, and as a result many of us are gravitating towards alternatives.

Five Fashion Facts Every ECO Fashionista Should Know

Intengine's Writer Community

April 7, 2021

You Are Setting the Trend for Ethical Impact. Whether you call yourself a Fashionista, review clothing on your YouTube channel, or simply like to follow the trends to look your best for work or play. There is no denying that our passion for fashion drives an important and growing sector of our economy.